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GELC Attorneys Fight for Victims of Gender Discrimination

We advocate for the rights of all individuals to compete on a level playing field for economic security and economic advancement.


Women now comprise approximately 47 percent of the workforce in the United States.  Yet many continue to face various forms of on-the-job discrimination.  Harassment and hostile work environment remain a serious issue in many industries.  Many women illegally receive lower pay for doing work similar to that of their male colleagues.  Still other employers institute supposedly neutral policies that tend to place an unfair burden upon female employees and applicants.  All of these actions, whether intentional or accidental, are forms of discrimination prohibited under various U.S., N.Y. and NYC laws.  Employers who promote or permit these discriminatory practices may be liable. 


Are you the victim of gender discrimination?

Gender discrimination can come in a variety of forms, ranging from the deliberate and outrageous to the unintended, such as:























The Civil Rights Act and New York's state and local human rights laws directly prohibit these types of discrimination on the basis of gender.  Additional, more specific types of gender discrimination may also fall under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, the Equal Pay Act and other federal and state statutes.



Who can be the victim of gender discrimination?

While women are most commonly the victims of gender discrimination in the workplace, the Civil Rights Act does not apply exclusively to women.  Rather, the law prohibits any discrimination based upon gender.  What's more, gender discrimination does not necessarily have to be men discriminating against women or vice versa.  Both the perpetrators and victims can be of any gender so long as the victim is treated differently in hiring, firing or the terms and conditions of employment, or is harassed based upon his or her gender.



What do I do if I think I am facing gender discrimination?



If you have been denied employment or suffered adverse employment action based on gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, status as a victim of intimate partner violence or stalking, or have experienced sexual harassment, contact us at (888) 833-4363.  Someone from our legal team will be able to give you advice on protecting your rights. 

Paying women less


Excluding women from important assignments


Taking women less seriously in jobs traditionally male-dominated, such as construction, science and finance


Being “protective” of women in ways not welcome or asked for, resulting in less responsibility


Permitting the creation of a hostile work environment


Failing to address complaints of sexual harassment


Preferring or promoting one applicant over another of equal or greater qualifications based in part upon gender


Being let-go or not hired because you are victim of intimate partner violence or stalking



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